Raven Jack, 33 years old, Carmarthen, United Kingdom
Sofi Loren, 36 years old, Washington, D.C., USA
Lady O, 31 years old, Albany, USA
Jean, 41 years old, Stockholm, Sweden
Luna Fighter, 32 years old, Ballymena, United Kingdom
koral, 25 years old, Soacha, Colombia
Aralia, 29 years old, Auburn, USA
Berney, 41 years old, Tirana, Albania
Laken Fire, 22 years old, Pago Pago, American Samoa
Baldwin, 25 years old, Las Matas de Farfan, Dominican Republic
Jessica, 35 years old, Sydney, Australia
Ruby, 27 years old, London, United Kingdom
31 years old
Stockholm, Sweden
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